Well, the festive break seems to have passed in a flash and here at Kin HQ we've come back and hit the ground running - planning our promotions for 2024, forecasting, fulfilling orders.... oh, and eating leftover mince pies!!
After the excitement and success of the Christmas Markets, it brings us round to planning and looking forward to another events season. We love being out and about across the UK meeting new customers and catching up with old ones. We attended an amazing 200 events over 2023 plus several tasting events across the northwest too.
2023 brought us great joy in receiving the Bronze Award, for our newly launched Kin Toffee Lemon, from the Great British Food Awards 2023 - judged by the one and only, Merlin Griffiths and 'Best Flavoured Vodka Brand 2023 - UK' awarded by LUX Life Magazine, and as it that wasn't enough we were awarded #1 Best Seller in Flavoured Vodka by Amazon!!
Keep your eyes peeled for our promotions and offers coming your way this year. Make sure you subscribe to our website so you don't miss out.
If there is something you'd like to see included in our blogs please let us know by emailing info@kinvodka.co.uk and we'll do what we can.
We sincerely appreciate your support and how you've helped us succeed. Let's hope the upcoming year is even better for everyone.