Mixology and recipes

Kin Toffee Vodka is delicious served straight or over ice, but did you know it's also perfect for creative cocktails and delicious puddings? 

  • Toffee Apple

    50ml Kin Toffee Vodka
    50ml apple juice
    25ml lemon juice
    Serve with an apple slice

  • Toffee Lemon Bon Bon

    25ml Kin Toffee Vodka
    25ml Limoncello
    200ml low sugar lemonade
    Ice and a slice in a glass

  • Banoffee

    50ml Kin Toffee Vodka
    50ml banana liqueur
    10ml single cream
    1/4 banana
    Blend together

  • Cinnamon Toffee

    50ml Kin Toffee Vodka
    50ml cinnamon schnapps
    50ml Apple Juice

  • Sour Kin

    50ml Kin Toffee Vodka
    25ml lemon juice
    25ml sugar syrup
    Shake it all about!

  • Ginger Kin Warmer

    50ml Kin Toffee Vodka
    50ml cloudy apple juice + top-up with ginger ale.

  • Quick Kin Espresso

    Plan ahead...
    Freeze espresso coffee into ice cube trays.
    Take a glass, add two ice cubes, pour a good measure of Kin Toffee Vodka on top.
    Sit down. Relax.

  • Milk Kin Shake

    300ml chilled full fat milk
    150ml Kin Toffee Vodka
    Pinch of cinnamon
    (Scoop of ice cream – optional)
    Whiz together, pour and add a straw!

  • Jack-Kin

    50ml Jack Daniels Bourbon
    75ml Kin Toffee Vodka

  • Kin Kir Royale

    Champagne, Cava or Prosecco
    Slug of any Kin Toffee Vodka


  • Kin Toffee Cheesecake

    170g plain digestive biscuits crushed
    25g melted butter
    180g cream cheese
    1 egg yolk
    100g caster sugar
    150ml lightly whipped cream
    75ml Kin Toffee Vodka
    1 leaf gelatine (or 1 sachet)
    squeeze of lemon juice

    Crush the biscuits and mix with the melted butter then line a 7-8" flan tin/dish. Soak the gelatine leaf for 5 mins in cold water – squeeze then melt in 10ml water over a gentle heat. Beat the cream cheese, caster sugar and egg together. Fold in the cream, add the Kin, lemon juice and gelatine and fold until smooth. Pour onto the biscuit base and place in the fridge to set – preferably overnight. Could be topped with apricots or mango – which go very well with the flavours.

  • Kin Chocolate Pots

    Serves 4

    200g dark chocolate (70% cocoa solids)
    50ml warm water
    100ml Kin Toffee Vodka
    40g caster sugar
    3 eggs yolks
    50g creme fraiche

    Melt the chocolate with the warm water and Kin Toffee Vodka in a bowl over hot water and mix until smooth and glossy. Cool for a few minutes then stir in the egg yolks. Stir the crème fraiche and add to the mixture until smooth. Pour the mixture into individual pots (or chocolate cups!). Place in fridge for at least 3 hours. Serve with a shot of Kin on the side.

  • Kin Toffee Apple Jellies

    170ml Kin Toffee Vodka
    70ml pure apple juice
    20ml lemon juice
    2 leaves gelatine (or 2 sachets)

    Blend the liquids together. Soak the gelatine leaf for 5 mins in cold water. Place in pan together and gently heat until the gelatine has dissolved. Pour into shot glasses or individual dishes. Place in fridge to set for at least 4 hours.

  • Meringues with Kin Toffee Cream

    For each egg white use 50g caster sugar
    1 egg will make enough for 12 meringue halves.
    Double or whipping cream
    A good slug of Kin

    Whisk egg whites until stiff; fold in caster sugar. Pipe or spoon amounts in whatever shape you want onto baking parchment on a tray. Place in a warm oven about 100˚C for 2-3 hours until they lift easily from the baking paper. Whisk the cream into soft peaks, fold in Kin to taste – glue the meringues together with cream.

  • Kin Toffee Crunch Meringue Roulade

    Serves 6

    3 egg whites
    180g caster sugar
    1 teaspoon cornflour
    1 teaspoon white vinegar
    250ml whipping cream
    100ml Kin Toffee Vodka
    Bag of maltesers (crushed)

    Whisk egg whites until stiff. Fold in caster sugar, cornflour and vinegar. Line a swiss roll tin with baking parchment. Lightly spread the mixture evenly in the tin. Bake in oven 150°C for 45mins until lightly golden. Immediately turn out onto a large piece baking parchment. Remove the parchment in which it has been baked, then roll on the LONGEST SIDE. Cover with foil until cool. Whisk the cream, fold in the Kin Toffee Vodka and the crushed maltesers. Unroll the roulade, fill with the cream mix and re-roll. Dust with icing sugar to serve.

  • Kin Tiramisu

    Serves 4

    4 teaspoons of instant (espresso if you can) coffee dissolved in 150ml water – then cooled
    150ml Kin Toffee Vodka
    200g Boudoir biscuits
    2 medium eggs
    50g caster sugar
    250g mascarpone cheese
    Cocoa powder for dusting

    Put the dissolved coffee and 50ml of Kin Toffee Vodka in a bowl. Dip the boudoir biscuits in until damp (not soggy). Place half of them in the bottom of a serving bowl or individual dishes. Separate eggs – you only need 1 egg white. Whisk the egg yolks and caster sugar until pale. Lightly whisk the mascarpone, add to the egg mix and then fold in the remaining Kin. Whisk the egg white until soft peak and fold gently into the mix. Place half the mixture on the soaked base, add another layer of biscuits and repeat. Leave overnight in fridge. Dust with cocoa to serve.

  • Other ideas

    Add to sticky toffee pudding sauce.

    Use instead of sherry in trifle.

    As a flavour in home-made ice cream.

    In your coffee or hot chocolate.

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