Kin Toffee Vodka
Kin Toffee Vodka
Our best-selling signature Kin Toffee + Vodka is deliciously smooth. Blended with rich caramel notes and finished with a subtle kick.
Our warming and sweet premium toffee vodka is the perfect gift for birthdays, special occasions or for cocktail lovers. Tasty for after-dinner drinks with guests, or just to enjoy at home with friends and family.
With a 20.3% ABV, you can enjoy Kin Toffee Vodka over ice or used as a base in a sweet cocktail. You can even create a Kin Espresso by freezing espresso coffee into ice cube trays. Once frozen, take a glass, add two espresso ice cubes, pour a good measure of Kin on top and enjoy.
At Kin Vodka, we've won multiple awards for our smooth and sweet vodka spirit blends, and we've hundreds of 5 star reviews from our happy customers. Our smooth blended vodka is created in small batches, and is inspired by our stunning surroundings in the Lake District.
Suitable for vegans and vegetarians, our tipples are all dairy free too.
Best served
Best served
Kin Toffee Vodka is delicious served straight or over ice, but you can also use it in our delicious cocktail recipes.
Vegan + dairy free
Vegan + dairy free
Kin Vodka is suitable for vegans and vegetarians - and dairy free too.
We offer free delivery on orders over £30.
About Kin
With its origins in the English Lake District, our delicious spirit drinks blend vodka with caramel to evoke our stunning surroundings, the seasons and a passion for the great outdoors.
I don't actually drink but I tried this and wow - it is amazing.
I bought a gift set from Manchester Christmas market I loved them so much when I got home I ordered larger bottles fonline
Great service and great taste as always
I just love it to bits
Love it! On 2nd bottle as beautiful taste especially with cold ginger beer! Amazing on its own also, yet to try ice cream receipe! Yummy 😋